Sunday, October 19, 2008

Annual Training Event: The View From the Edge

One of the major things that sets us apart from similar companies in the industry is its commitment to training. Network marketing has produced more millionares than any other industry however, its failures are are due to a lack of sufficiently teaching representatives how to do the business. The View From the Edge is an annual "must attend" event for business owners. This is not your usual training that typically consists of speakers, powerpoint presentations and motivational messages. At The View, Director of Training, Marc Accetta, delivers information in the form of a series of entertaining skits. Each character has a specific message or lesson to convey to the audience. Mr. Rogers talked about how "facts tell and stories sell". An Olympic medalist discussed whether this business was more like a sprint or a marathon. A chef illustrated how ingredients can not be left out or substituted in the "recipe" for network marketing. One of the most moving scenes was a man in the hospital on his deathbed,with no one by his side, while he contamplated the mistakes he had made and the chances he did not have the courage to take throughout his unfullfilled life. Viewers were brought to tears as they silently feared being in the same situation someday. The View From the Edge is a life-changing experience that fosters personal development and ignites new confidence in your ability to build a business.
This event also gave members the opportunity to see the heart of the company. As a proud sponsor of Big Brothers Big Sisters, an auction of items drew thousands of dollars in donations from some of the company's top income earners. At least $70,000 will be matched by the company and used by the organization to benefit at least 200 children.

Other highlights from the event include the following announcements:
* Upgrades and enhancements to the LTC package will be launched officially on November 3rd.
* We will be the only host travel agency that offers a program with the ability to take brand new agents to a fully certified CLIA and IATAN status.
* The LTC Concierge Service will add a roadside assistance package, similar to what is offered by AAA.
* Each new business representative will receive magazines and a presentation DVD in the new Rep Kit upon enrollment.
* A training tool called Drivetime University will now be available for purchase. It includes a total of 10 CDs and is a compilation of the best material from Acceleration trainings.
* There will be 200 DreamTrips offered in 2009 for our vacation club members.
* This is the first network marketing company to develop a back office with the ability to view a downline geneology in 3D format. Retrieving team information and specified reports has never been easier.